From Research to Application: Projects at Fraunhofer EMFT

  • Fraunhofer EMFT JFET
    © Fraunhofer EMFT/ Bernd Müller

    Fraunhofer EMFT JFET

    How can supply chains for the chip industry become more independent and better protected? The coronavirus pandemic in particular has highlighted the problems for Germany and Europe. In the "Semiconductor-X" research project on the digitalization of supply chains in the semiconductor industry, Fraunhofer EMFT is working with over 20 partners to make supply chains more sustainable and resilient and to promote decentralized, sovereign data exchange.

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  • © Fraunhofer EMFT/ Bernd Müller

    Sensor bracelet

    Fraunhofer EMFT is developing intelligent plasters for the early detection of pressure ulcers in nursing care. For this purpose, work is being done on an AI-supported prophylaxis that can initiate preventive actions through early detection, thus making life easier for nursing staff and the person treating the patient.

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  • © Scott Webb / unsplash

    Improved flexibility and convenience are two key aspects of making local public transport more attractive, for example with a better-connected network and more frequent services. One promising approach to achieving this goal is low-cost shuttle vehicles without drivers. The Fraunhofer EMFT is contributing to the development of a prototype for such an autonomous people mover as part of the SUE (Self-driving Urban E-Shuttle) funding project. It is designed to combine high flexibility with passenger comfort, making it a valid alternative to the car.

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  • Ultra-thin chip-foil package in QFN format
    © Fraunhofer EMFT

    Ultra-thin chip-foil package in QFN format

    According to experts, there are already more than 20 billion interconnected objects in use worldwide. However, one limiting factor is still the energy supply for these "smart objects". Researchers at Fraunhofer EMFT have developed a novel chip-foil package that will allow highly miniaturized, efficient energy supply modules.

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  • © OeWF

    Lunar dust is a central challenge in lunar exploration. Fraunhofer EMFT is part of the DEAR research project of the European Space Agency ESA and is working with its partners specifically on the systematic development and testing of strategies for removing lunar dust from optics, mechanisms and astronautical components. Of particular interest are risk assessment, avoidance and cleaning techniques, such as the use of electric fields to remove lunar dust from surfaces.

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  • Senspflast demonstrator

    Senspflast demonstrator

    Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases of civilization. Around 15-25% of patients develop diabetic foot syndrome during the progression of the disease: nerve damage and circulatory disorders, particularly in the feet. As those affected have a reduced or no sensation of pain in their feet, pressure points, blisters or cuts often form unnoticed, which can result in an open ulcer if not treated in time. In future, a patch with integrated sensor technology should help to detect critical conditions and the need for treatment at an early stage.

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  • © Fraunhofer EMFT

    Shielded flexible superconducting interconnections with more than 80 signal lines per inch

    With the foundation of Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) in 2022, seven leading research institutions in Bavaria, including the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, have committed themselves to an ambitious goal: Building the first German quantum computer with up to 1000 qubits “made in Bavaria”. The partners are working on realizing full-stack quantum-computer demonstrators, remotely accessible to researchers and industry. Within this framework, Fraunhofer EMFT researchers are contributing their engineering expertise to enable scaling and industrialization of the qubit platform based on superconducting qubits.

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  • Multielectrode array with integrated impedance electrodes for testing insecticide effects in 96-well format

    Multielectrode array with integrated impedance electrodes for testing insecticide effects in 96-well format

    The Fraunhofer EMFT scientists support the development of „bee-friendly“ pesticides by doing research on sensor technologies identifying „bee-harmful“ substances in early phases of pesticide development.

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  • Sensors printed on a plant leaf

    Sensors printed on a plant leaf

    Efficient use of resources while maintaining high yields from the fields has become a central topic for agriculture. Monitoring various plant parameters, such as their water or nutrient content, plays an important role here. Currently, such parameters are deducted from soil samples by complex and lengthy processes in laboratories. The scientists at Fraunhofer EMFT are working on the development of reliable and faster methods to monitor relevant plant parameters.

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