Mobile Learning Hub for remote trainings

With the Mobile Learning Hub, the Center for Interconnection Technology in Electronics ZVE at Fraunhofer EMFT is now offering its customers an attractive alternative to onsite training courses at the Oberpfaffenhofen training center. The soldering station on wheels can be put into operation directly at the customer's premises using plug & play. Permanently installed cameras enable ideal interaction between ZVE training personnel and training participants. Together with the Dutch research organization TNO, ZVE is also working on XR solutions that will enable an even more realistic learning experience in the future. 

© Fraunhofer EMFT
The Mobile Learning Hub - shown here in a seminar room of the ZVE - enables practical training also remotely. Like a mobile booth, it can be easily transported on wheels.

The Mobile Learning Hub is a fully equipped workstation in our training center in Oberpfaffenhofen. Any additional equipment required is also provided, tailored to the respective training course. Like a mobile booth, it can be easily transported on wheels. The station simply needs to be connected to the power supply and can then be put into operation according to the "plug & play" principle. Finally, for proper communication with the trainer, a connection to a LAN cable is required.

On two screens, the training participants can follow the live presentation of the trainer and the demonstration videos parallel to their own training session. The training participants are recorded with a normal, high-resolution webcam and played back on the trainer's TV screen. The audio on both sides is recorded via a speakerphone. Four cameras provide views from different positions. These cameras can be switched by the participant or the trainer using a professional multichannel WEB CAM system. In addition to mutual eye contact from different perspectives, this also enables a joint view through the microscope. Our training staff is thus able to individually assess the skills learned and correct errors. 

© Fraunhofer EMFT
The Mobile Learning Hub provides a fully equipped soldering workstation on wheels.

With XR solutions to comprehensive learning success

To better integrate the learning experience into the training participants' environment, the ZVE team is working with TNO on XR-based solutions - such as real-time volumetric communication. This involves recording the training staff with a depth sensor camera. This live recording is rendered in the training participants' environment using an XR device such as an iPad Pro or Hololens 2. At the same time, the training participants are recorded with a normal, high-resolution webcam and played back on the trainer's TV screen. Audio on both sides is recorded via a speakerphone. The technology not only enables direct face-to-face interaction, which is experienced as very close to reality, but also helps the training participants to concentrate completely on the instructed activities instead of on the computer. 

Another essential aspect is to monitor and ensure the safety of the training participants remotely. To this end, a multimodal sensor system is to be integrated into the mobile soldering station to monitor the learning environment. After evaluation of the acquired data, information and, in dangerous situations, a warning are to be projected into the field of vision of the instructor and the trainees.


The activities are funded within the framework of the High Performance Center »Secure Intelligent Systems« (LZSiS).

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